Registration of legal entities in Moscow is a complex and multifaceted process, the successful completion of which will largely determine the future fate of your business. Therefore, it is advisable that the registration of firms is carried out by professional lawyers who are well-versed in all legal aspects of this process and are able to ensure the availability of optimal conditions for passing the full cycle of necessary procedures.

Specialists of the Intra Leghem Law Firm are ready to offer you the following services:

  • State registration of legal entities upon creation (LLC, JSC);
  • State registration of changes introduced and not introduced into the constituent documents of legal entities;
  • Reorganization and liquidation of legal entities;
  • Support of transactions with securities;
  • Preparation of documents for the general meeting of the organization, the board of directors of the organization, etc .;
  • Representation of shareholders at general meetings;
  • Preparation of documents for the issue of securities.

The guarantee of the quality work of our company is, first of all, not only knowledge of the laws, but also the experience in solving specific legal problems accumulated over years of successful work.